Open Farm Goodbowl recipe features oven-baked, wholesome kibble made with meticulously sourced, simple ingredients to provide optimal nutrition to your dog. This recipe is made with wild-caught salmon as the first ingredient and wholesome grains like brown rice to provide a highly nutritious, digestible, and delicious meal for your pet. Every good dog deserves a Goodbowl.
- Wholesome nutrition made with meticulously sourced, simple ingredients
- Oven-baked kibble in small batches for a highly nutritious, digestible, and delicious meal for your pet
- Wild-caught salmon as the first ingredient that is naturally free antibiotics or hormones
- Made with wholesome grains like brown rice
- Non-GMO fruits, vegetables, & grains
- 100% traceable ingredients
Available in 3.5 lb bags and 22 lb bags.
*Please note; we do not ship large bags of food.
Open Farm Oven Baked GoodBowl Salmon & Brown Rice