Open Farm Grain-Free RawMix Front Range is a premium dog food that combines raw, ethically sourced proteins with nutritious vegetables and fruits. This grain-free recipe includes high-quality beef, chicken, and turkey to support your dog’s health with a natural, nutrient-packed diet. Perfect for dogs with sensitivities, it provides the benefits of raw nutrition in a convenient, safe formula.
Open Farm RawMix Front Range Grain-Free Recipe features their protein-packed kibble covered in a nutritious bone broth and freeze dried raw coating, with added chunks of pork & beef freeze dried raw. Crafted with a blend of 100% animal welfare certified grass-fed beef, pasture-raised lamb and pork, this irresistible recipe includes nutrient-dense meat, organ, and bone with no grains, legumes or any byproducts.
- Nutritious blend of Grass-Fed Beef, Farm-Raised Pork and Pasture-Raised Lamb
- Freeze-Dried Raw & Bone Broth Coated Kibble with Pork & Beef Freeze-Dried Raw Chunks
- All meats humanely raised and certified by G.A.P.
- High protein kibble, with nutrient dense organ meats and minimally processed raw power
- No added antibiotics or hormones
- 100% traceable ingredients
- Non-GMO fruits & vegetables
Available in 3.5 lb and 20 lb bags.
*Please note; we do not ship large bags of food.