Discover the perfect blend of protein-rich animal ingredients and fiber-packed wholesome grains in ACANA™ Healthy Grains™! Our ACANA Healthy Grains Puppy Sea & Farm Recipe is a poultry-free option, specially formulated to support your puppy’s growth with raw, wild-caught salmon and Yorkshire pork. This recipe is balanced with gluten-free, fiber-rich grains like oats, sorghum, and millet, offering added nutrition to promote a healthy digestive environment. Made with 65% protein-rich animal ingredients and 35% wholesome grains, vegetables, fruits, botanicals, and nutrients, it supports essential health benefits like brain, muscle, and bone development. Give your puppy a nutritious, protein-packed food that promotes healthy growth and development.
Brain Development - EPA & DHA from fish oil to help support brain health
Muscle & Bone Development - Protein and minerals from animal ingredients help support growing bones and healthy muscle development.
Immune Health - Antioxidant-rich ingredients, plus added Vitamin E, help support a healthy immune system
Digestive Health - Fibre plus a blend of prebiotics and probiotics, help support digestive health
Raw salmon (19%), herring meal (18%), oat groats, whole sorghum, pork fat (11%), whole millet, pork meal (5%), pollock meal (5%), whole oats, raw pork (4%), pork liver (3%), ground miscanthus grass, salt, dried kelp, potassium chloride, fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole apples, fresh whole carrots, fresh whole pears, fresh whole zucchini, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh turnip greens, fresh beet greens, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, dried chicory root, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, milk thistle, rosehips, turmeric root
Available in 1.8 kg and 10.2 kg bags.
Please note; we do not ship large bags of kibble but they are available for local delivery and pick up orders.