Open Farm Pasture-Raised Lamb with Ancient Grains is a premium dog food made with ethically raised, grass-fed lamb as the primary ingredient. Combined with nutrient-rich ancient grains like quinoa and chia, this recipe provides a wholesome, balanced diet for your pet. Available at CHOW Bella Pet Health Store, it’s a sustainable and nutritious choice for your furry companion.
This tasty high protein, gluten-free meal is loaded with grass-fed, pasture-raised lamb that's free of antibiotics and growth hormones. It contains wholesome grains like steel-cut oats, quinoa and chia seeds as well as superfoods like coconut oil, pumpkin and turmeric. It's dry good-for-your-pup food.
This protein-packed kibble is a premium, nutrient-dense source of energy, thanks to a delicious blend of 100% pasture-raised New Zealand lamb, superfoods, and ancient grains to support your dog’s overall health. Free of peas, potatoes, corn, wheat, soy, and legumes.
- Nutrient-dense dry kibble
- Scoop and pour for a complete meal
- Humanely raised, grass-fed lamb
- Antibiotic, hormone, and steroid-free
- A blend of ancient grains like millet, quinoa, sorghum, and chia seeds
- 100% traceable ingredients from certified family farms
Available in 4 lb and 22 lb bags.
*Please note; we do not ship large bags of food.